Monday, June 1, 2020

All In

Mike and his father Kevin are no strangers to Legends Outdoors as they have been out several times over the last few years with us.  Mike really likes to pursue the "big fish" and is dedicated to the pursuit of them.  His father Kevin got him a trip for his birthday to head out for stripers on a day in May very recently.  The day would be a hot one with moderate wind and sunshine in abundance.  The rods and baits were prepped and right out of the gates there was a strike and a giant was hooked up, but it pulled free after a brief fight and an early opportunity was gone.  The anglers continued to move about with fervency in pursuit of that big fish and Mike refused to give in and break down for alternative fish and they kept at it.  They had some great conversations and enjoyed peanut butter/jelly sandwiches and some snacks aboard the pontoon boat.  The hours wore on and the sun shone strong and seven hours went by without another strike!  It is hard to fathom with all those quality baits that the fish would absolutely refuse to take the offerings.  It would be true as there would not be another opportunity.  For the last little while, they broke down and got the Keitech Baits rolling in an area and they did get a couple solid smallmouth bass before calling it a day.  The dedication was there and this father and son duo will surely be back again.  On the very next day while waiting for another client, our guide seen Mike and Kevin fishing off the dock and took them out again for a little bit along that shore and they caught a couple rockbass as it was a nice bonus for Mike and Kevin to get some more time on the water during their stay.