Kevin's Crew from the state of Delaware returned to Pennsylvania for their annual ice-fishing outing with Legends Outdoors. Their biggest group to date set out in early February for some hard-water action. Just after daybreak the air temps were in the upper 20's with a light wind before the temperatures started climbing and the cloud cover gave way to blue skies. The group had plenty of tip-up action as early on the flags were popping left and right as schools of veracious roamed the area in search of their quarry. As the morning wore on, the chain pickerel began to show up in a big way with some hefty ones taking the offerings. The anglers enjoyed fresh venison sausage on buns prepared by the Legends Outdoors staff along with some fresh venison stew made with many healthy ingredients. The action waned as the day wore on and the sun shone bright upon the frozen body of water. The jigging action was slow to moderate as the anglers pulled in a few perch and a bluegill during the outing. Some perch and pickerel were harvested for future meals and a great time was had by all. We would like to thank Kevin for organizing the group trip and for the entire crew for coming out with Legends Outdoors for yet another outdoor adventure.