Pennsylvania residents of Durrell and Beverly were on vacation in early May. They had a plethora of things planned including a day out with Legends Outdoors. They were no stranger to Legends Outdoors as they came out fishing with us the last couple years and were keeping with their tradition. This year seen yet another cold front with piping wind from the NW right out of the gate making it for adverse conditions as the day seen at best high 40's for air temperature. They planned on fishing, so they didn't let the 20+ MPH winds for the day projected deter them from getting out together on this serene body of water. They started right away with Keitech Baits on light line and it didn't take long for the first strike and they continued to accumulate strike after strike on their offerings. The good action and the warm sun helped deter the elements as good sized crappie were caught, many perch, several pickerel, and a couple largemouth bass. One of those bass was an absolute big old bucketmouth that tipped the scales at just over 5# that Beverly hooked into and fought for some time on the light line before landing it and posing with a photo before releasing it back into the water. They enjoyed some snacks and great scenery as they had a fabulous time out together landing just over fifty fish on this spring day. We hope Durrell and Beverly enjoyed the entirety of their vacation and look forward to seeing them back again next year for their annual trek.